
Website localization

Localization involves much more than translation. Localization modifies products for foreign markets by considering factors such as cultural and linguistic aspects, the appearance of graphics, images, colors, icons, and culturally dependent examples, etc. A localized website is essential factor to the success of an international company. Website translation requires a deep understanding of the cultural standards of the intended audience and perfect knowledge of target language. Our team of professional translators with years of experience in the industry ensures high quality translations and prompt delivery times.

TOFT International offers you website translation and localization services which are performed by professionals who ensure that your website will be seen exactly as the original one by adapting the texts and images to the local cultural standards. During website localization process we offer you site content localization, including creating style guides, editing iterations, coordination of in-country review and translation of text, graphics and multimedia elements and testing and QAof the staged multilingual site on various browser and system configurations to ensure proper functionality and linguistic accuracy. TOFT International professional team investigate each language component of your global website thoroughly and prepare a custom solution based on your needs and ability to introduce processes that will immediately improve quality while reducing project costs and time-to-market.

Software localization

Because of the importance and pervasive use of software, software localization services have become quite essential in our days. Translation and adaptation is the main step toward software localization as through software localization, software developers, producers, and marketers can target specific regions, countries, cultures, and languages and be sure that new target market will understand every bit of text, every feature, and each function. Software localization may involve the application’s user interface, on-line help text, user’s guides, training materials, licensing materials, etc.

TOFT International offers high quality software localization services that include translation of text languages and even the addition of extra components that are tailored for the specific region or language. All of our software localization translators have at least five years of experience handling software localization projects and they can provide the highest quality, best accuracy, and timely deliveries. We support you through design and development stages and we can offer advice on how your product will integrate with each of your target locales. If you need testing and validation services, we also provide testing multilingual software services to ensure that your product is accurately adapted in each target language required.

Video subtitling

TOFT Internationalprovides subtitling translation and localization services that allow your audiovisual products to be understood by foreign audiences, without replacing the original soundtrack. Our team of professionals can provide original translation of subtitles and the editing of subtitles that previously existed, into a variety of languages and formats. We offer a broad variety of services, adapted to the needs of each client.

TOFT International 2015 | info@toftint.com | A team of professional translators. TOFT International Design
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